The quality of a team's research publications is determined by their accuracy, reliability, and impact on their field.
Loutas, N., Giantsiou, L., Peristeras, V., & Tarabanis, K. (2010). A semantically enabled portal for facilitating the public service provision. Semantic Technologies for E-Government, 287-314.
Peristeras, V., MartÃnez-Carreras, M. A., Gómez-Skarmeta, A. F., Prinz, W., & Nasirifard, P. (2010). Towards a reference architecture for collaborative work environments. International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 6(1), 14-32.
Vitvar, T., Peristeras, V., & Tarabanis, K. (2010). Semantic technologies for e-Government: an overview (pp. 1-22). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Cyganiak, R., Maali, F., & Peristeras, V. (2010, September). Self-service linked government data with dcat and gridworks. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems (pp. 1-3).
Maali, F., Cyganiak, R., & Peristeras, V. (2010). Enabling interoperability of government data catalogues. In Electronic Government: 9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 29-September 2, 2010. Proceedings 9 (pp. 339-350). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Loutas, N., Peristeras, V., Bouras, T., Kamateri, E., Zeginis, D., & Tarabanis, K. (2010, November). Towards a reference architecture for semantically interoperable clouds. In 2010 IEEE second international conference on cloud computing technology and science (pp. 143-150). IEEE.
Tzanis, G., Berberidis, C., & Vlahavas, I. (2009). Machine learning and data mining in bioinformatics. In Handbook of research on innovations in database technologies and applications: Current and future trends (pp. 612-621). IGI Global
Magnisalis, I. D., & Demetriadis, S. N. (2009, November). Modeling adaptation patterns with IMS-LD specification: a case study as a proof of concept implementation. In 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems(pp. 295-300). IEEE.
Tolias, E., Katriou, S. A., Loutas, N., Giantsiou, L., Peristeras, V., & Tarabanis, K. (2009). SemanticGov: a showcase for the region of central Macedonia.
Peristeras, V., Goudos, S. K., Loutas, N., & Tarabanis, K. (2009). Ontology-based search for eGovernment services using citizen profile information. Journal of Web Engineering, 8(3), 245.
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