The quality of a team's research publications is determined by their accuracy, reliability, and impact on their field.
Zotou, M., Papantoniou, A., Kremer, K., Peristeras, V., & Tambouris, E. (2014). Implementing" rethinking education": Matching skills profiles with open courses through linked open data technologies.
Kontopoulos, E., Berberidis, C., Dergiades, T., & Bassiliades, N. (2013). Ontology-based sentiment analysis of twitter posts. Expert systems with applications, 40(10), 4065-4074.
Ioannis, M., Stavros, D., & Yannis, D. (2013, September). Flexible tools for online collaborative learning: Integration of adaptation patterns functionality in the WebCollage tool. In Proceedings of the 17th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics(pp. 114-121).
Loutas, N., Goedertier, S., Frade, J. R., Colas, C., De Keyzer, M., Di Giacomo, D., ... & Peristeras, V. (2013, September). Realising a federation of repositories of reusable metadata. In International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (pp. 156-161).
Peristeras, V. (2013). Semantic standards: Preventing waste in the information industry. IEEE intelligent systems, 28(4), 72-75.
Archer, P., Dekkers, M., Goedertier, S., Hazard, N., & Loutas, N. (2013). Business models for Linked Open Government Data: what lies beneath.
Shukair, G., Loutas, N., Peristeras, V., & Sklarß, S. (2013). Towards semantically interoperable metadata repositories: The asset description metadata schema. Computers in Industry, 64(1), 10-18.
Tzanis, G., Berberidis, C., & Vlahavas, I. (2012). StackTIS: A stacked generalization approach for effective prediction of translation initiation sites. Computers in biology and medicine, 42(1), 61-69.
Magnisalis, I., & Demetriadis, S. (2012). Extending IMS-LD capabilities: A review, a proposed framework and implementation cases. Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 85-108.
Magnisalis, I. D., & Demetriadis, S. N. (2012, September). Orchestrating adaptive and complex CSCL scenarios through a choreography among IMS-LD and external services. In 2012 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (pp. 89-96). IEEE.
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