Available courses
Open Course for Citizens, Businesses, Public Servants
Based on material collected from ISA2 of European Commission @ Homepage | ISA² (europa.eu)
To access course material, you may login as guest.
To access full course and attempt even assessments/quizzes please login as:
username: quest@ihu
password: Ihu@2022
A product delivered under DE4A EU funded project @ European Single Market | Digital Europe For All (de4a.eu)
Instructor: Prof. Peristeras
Credit allocation: 16 Hours, 3 Credits
Course assessment: 70% Exams & 30% Coursework
Schedule: https://www.ihu.edu.gr/schedule/
Instructor: Dr. Magnisalis - imagnisalis@yahoo.gr
Prof. Baltagiannis - agamemnon.baltagiannis@sap.com
Credit allocation: 30 Hours, 6 Credits
Course assessment: 70% Exam & 30% Coursework
Schedule: http://www.ihu.edu.gr/schedule/
V. Peristeras - v.peristeras@ihu.edu.gr
Dr. I. Magnisalis - imagnisalis@yahoo.gr
Credit allocation:
30 Hours, 6 Credits
Course assessment:
70% Exam & 30% Coursework
Open Course for Citizens, Businesses, and Public Servants
To access course material, you may register and then enroll into the course
Duration: Approximately Five hoursA product delivered under the GR digiGov-innoHUB- project, which is co-funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe grant agreement no.101083646 and ERDF Programmes